To access the following settings you must be logged into the SurveyStance Portal.
Survey Kiosk -> Device & User -> iPad App Settings ->
Survey Completion Page
Completion Page Title: After a survey is completed you will have the option of displaying a 'Success' screen to let the user know the survey is completed. This setting will control how the ‘Success’ screen is used within the survey.
Below are the options available:
- Every Survey: Success screen will be displayed after each survey. *Recommendation: Success Screen = Every Survey
- Every Question: Success screen will be displayed after each question within a survey.
- Never: Success screen will never be displayed, survey will just loop back to question 1.
Success Screen Display Time (Seconds): This setting will control how many seconds the ‘Success’ screen is displayed before routing back to the first survey question.
- Input is number of Seconds *Recommendation: 7 Seconds
Capture Additional Information (After Survey Completed)
Capture Additional Info
Enabling this setting will place a button on the ‘Success’ screen which will allow the user to share additional information via a free form text box. *Recommendation: Turning this ON
Capture Email Address
Enabling this setting will place a button on the ‘Success’ screen which will allow the user to share their email address after giving feedback. *Recommendation: Turning this ON
Capture Photo:
Enabling this setting will capture a photo via the front facing camera on the iPad each time feedback is given. These photos are stored along with the ratings within the portal. Please be sure you have proper permission prior to enabling this. Also note, if iPad sound is turned on there will be a shutter sound when photo is taken, turn iPad volume OFF to prevent sound. *Recommendation: Turning this OFF
Survey Abandon Rest
Survey Abandon Reset: This setting will reset the Survey to the first Question if a Survey is started but not completed.
Example (4 Question Survey): User only selects feedback on Question 1 and 2, after X seconds the partial results will be stored and then reset back to Question 1. *Recommendation: Turning this ON
Survey Abandon Reset Time (Seconds): This setting will control how many seconds before the Survey will reset back to Question 1. Survey Abandon Reset must be enabled. *Recommendation: 10 Seconds