Feedback Kiosk Surveys can now compare device survey data side by side for up to 5 devices at a time. So if you are looking to see how one device/location is performing compared to another/other locations, you are able to do so. This report allows you to compare up to 5 locations side by side.

How am I able to compare my device locations in the SurveyStance Portal? Follow these steps to create your customized comparison report:

  1. Navigation on left side of SurveyStance Portal
  2. Additional Reports
  3. Compare Devices
  4. Select the devices you wish to compare
  5. Filter by Survey, Question (or leave as All), Date Timeframe 
  6. Click Refresh
  7. Let data populate (may take up to a minute depending on date timeframe) and view results
  8. You can export by simply clicking File --> Print --> Print as PDF --> Save document.

PDF View of Comparison Report

  • You can export by simply clicking File --> Print --> Print as PDF --> Save document.